The planet, in the Anthropocene, is a diverse and complex landscape, functioning at every scale, crystallized across a static framework of infrastructure, produced through physical, political, and cultural actions. The success of this enormous transformation relies on predictability, models that define the future via abstraction and simplification. Our current environmental dynamics, whatever their cause, are chafing at the built environment, undermining massive infrastructures. An aging technological, political, and social infrastructure is straining to cope with this challenge, particularly in urban settings.
The Geotechnical Urbanism Foundation is an evolving and open platform that fosters research into foundational relationships between cities and the aggregated structural, ecological, geomorphological systems upon which cities are formed.
Geotechnical Urbanism rethinks the way the designed foundation of cities is composed and structured. Geotechnical Urbanism is a toolset and design approach that seeks to physically and virtually connect hardware, software, and “wet-ware” [i] binding the contemporary city to ecology and geomorphology. This approach organizes elements of urban infrastructure and landscape systems to compose the cityscape through physics-based modeling, simulation, and adaptive construction.
Geotechnical urbanism is built upon first principles (the laws of physics) from various forms of wild + cultural aggregates. It dynamically models data and knowledge through repeated interaction with (and feedback from) the environment.